Terms & Conditions & Info
General terms and conditions (GTC) for the playgroup contract and after-school care contract
As of September 2023
The general terms and conditions (GTC) form an integral part of the contract between the parents and the playgroup or after-school care center with regard to the space and care at Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH.
Meaning and purpose
The playgroup offers small children (aged 15 months to 4 years) the opportunity to break away from their parents' home for an hour at a time and find their way in small, consistent groups with free play, crafts, singing, painting, listening to stories and much more.
The after-school care center offers children playful learning, orientation, stability, social interaction in groups and security until the end of the 2nd grade. The care includes lunch, various course offerings, a variety of play options and a large selection of books, as well as the necessary rest to do your homework.
We also offer full-day holiday care during the school holidays.
Registration for the playgroup or after-school care center becomes valid with the signature of a parent. The parents of the registered child are obliged to provide all information required by Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH. The contact details of the parents and those who are allowed to pick up the child are particularly important.
Pedagogical recommendation
We recommend booking at least two days of childcare so that children feel like they are in a second home in the facility, can build friendships and fully participate in the educational program.
If you only book one day of care, we recommend registering the child for 3-5 days at least for the weeks after the adjustment period. This gives your child time to accept the facility as a second home and build friendships. Only then do we recommend reducing the number of care days.
Rehearsal day
After getting to know each other briefly, Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH offers free half-day care. During this time, Belinda Bäumler is in constant communication with her parents. At the end of the day, feedback is provided again. If everyone involved feels comfortable, the child can immediately start on the previously agreed care days.
Only socially acceptable children are accepted at Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH. If integration does not work, care can be ended at any time.
Digital Services
In our playgroup and after-school care center we use the Kidesia app. An invitation link will be emailed to parents. If your child can't come to the playgroup or after-school care center, you can deregister them directly in the app.
The app also offers other functions, such as: Was my child on the toilet or how long did he sleep? And you can see pictures of your children spending everyday life here.
Please announce your child's absences no later than the day before via the Kidesia app.
In the Kidesia app, personal data from parents and children who are cared for in our after-school care center according to the childcare contract is recorded, processed and stored. This involves processing personal data and may also include particularly sensitive personal data within the meaning of Art. 5 lit.c DSG. The personal data will only be processed if necessary in connection with the fulfillment of the care contract. Employees of Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH have access to this data.
Furthermore, you hereby give your consent, which you can revoke at any time by contacting us directly at info@belindaskidscare.com. Please note, however, that withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
This personal data, in particular photos, will only be published via digital services such as Facebook, Instagram or on the website with your express authorization.
In this context, we would also like to refer to our comprehensive data protection declaration, available at www.belindaskidscare.ch.
Opening times / holidays
Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH is open Monday to Friday, including during the Swiss school holidays.
However, we are closed on public holidays and our own company holidays.
Our company holidays take place for 1 week in summer and 2 weeks over Christmas/New Year.
Holiday care
Children from 15 months to the end of the 2nd grade can be taken to holiday care. The care is billed on a daily basis. Early registration is recommended.
Drop-off and pick-up times
Drop-off time is between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
Pick-up times: between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
The price includes food, diapers, toothbrushes, craft materials and the use of toys. The care day is calculated monthly at a fixed rate (multiplied by 3.25 days per month). The official school holidays (13 weeks) are not included in the price and are counted towards the entire year. So we count on 39 weeks per year instead of 52 weeks.
Unfortunately, no refunds can be made for family vacations, illnesses, etc. Catching up on missed days is only possible by prior arrangement and they must be redeemed within 30 days, otherwise the days will expire.
We ask you to set up a standing order for the monthly flat rate. This applies to all contractually agreed days. The monthly contribution is due no later than the 15th of the previous month transferred monthly to the account of Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH.
If the agreed care times are exceeded or an additional day of care (additional day) is required, this time will be charged and invoiced separately by Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH at the end of the month.
During the first 2 weeks of the adjustment period, a rate of 30.00 per hour will be charged. The invoice will only be created after the adjustment period. So that we can respond flexibly and, above all, sensitively to the child's speed.
New customers must pay a one-off, lifelong registration fee of CHF 100 per family when registering. This will be offset against the first monthly contribution. Any adjustments to the fees will be announced 1 month in advance.
The contract is concluded for an indefinite period. It ends at the latest when the child starts kindergarten. From the start of the contract, the childcare place is reserved for your child. Termination can be made by both parties in writing (by email or SMS) at the end of the month, subject to a 1-month notice period. Reductions in care days must also be announced 1 month in advance. Otherwise, the agreed price must continue to be paid as stated in the contract.
The children are provided with balanced, healthy food. We attach great importance to healthy nutrition. We therefore ask you not to give your child any sweets. A little hunger in between and lunch will be taken care of. Please let us know if your child has any allergies or nutritional problems.
Snack at 9.15 a.m. - a vitamin-rich and delicious snack
Lunch at 11.30am - a warm, freshly prepared meal
Snack at 3:30 p.m. – a vitamin-rich and delicious snack
Fresh water is available to the children at all times
Parents agree that their child may leave the Belinda’s Kids Care premises for excursions accompanied by staff. Parents also agree that their child may only be picked up by people who are on our pick-up list.
Children should dress comfortably as they will be moving, singing, sitting on our mats and participating in a variety of activities. Appropriate shoes, coats and hats should be brought for occasions when children will participate in outdoor activities.
Please remove your shoes before entering the classroom/play floor. Children should be barefoot or wear non-slip socks, rubber-soled gym shoes or slippers (please without buckles).
Out of consideration for everyone, please do not bring a sick child to Belinda’s Kids Care. If your child has come into contact with a contagious illness, please inform us immediately. A sick child (with gastrointestinal flu, conjunctivitis, lice/nits, etc.) may not be brought in due to the risk of infection. If your child becomes ill during playgroup, we will contact you immediately so that you can pick up your child. At Belinda’s Kids Care, medication is only given to the child on behalf of the parents. This excludes disinfectants, wound healing products, mosquito repellents, sunscreen and similar products. Before a sick child is allowed to return, they must stay at home for at least one fever-free day. Absences and sick days will not be reimbursed.
If parents find signs of lice or nits in the child's hair, they should immediately inform the supervisor at Belinda's Kids Care GmbH. In order to prevent further spread, the parents are obliged to treat the child in accordance with the regulations.
Medical emergency
The carer is authorized to take the child immediately for treatment or to the nearest children's hospital. Parents are informed immediately about emergencies. The parents are responsible for the child's general doctor's visits.
We will do our utmost to ensure your child's safety during playgroup. However, we are not responsible for accidents on the way to/from the playgroup or during the playgroup. Please ensure that your child has the necessary health and accident insurance. It is the parents' responsibility to insure their child against accidents and damage to property (liability).
Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH assumes no liability for damage to or loss of personal items (clothes, jewelry, toys, glasses, etc.).
We take photos and videos of the children to let you know what your child is doing during their time with us. We use the Kidesia app in our playgroup and after-school care center. Only the parents can see pictures of the children spending everyday life here. From time to time, Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH publishes pictures on our website and our Instagram / Facebook page. Photos will only be published if the parents agree. The children's identities will not be released.
data protection
Belinda’s Kids Care values you as a customer and respects your privacy. We collect certain personal information when you enroll your child in a class at Belinda’s Kids Care. Belinda’s Kids Care uses this information solely to fulfill requests for specific products and services and to inform you about new products or services, special events and promotions. Belinda’s Kids Care will not sell, share or rent your personal information to third parties. We primarily process personal data that we receive from these and other people involved in our business relationship with our customers and other business partners or that we collect in the operation of our websites, apps and other applications.
In this context, we hereby expressly refer to the complete data protection declaration, available atwww.belindaskidscare.com/privacy-policy.
Law and place of jurisdiction
For legal disputes between Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH and its customers, the place of jurisdiction is at the registered office of Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH and Swiss law applies exclusively.
By signing the playgroup contract or after-school care contract, you agree to these conditions.
Belinda’s Kids Care GmbH reserves the right to adapt the content of these general terms and conditions, the respective service descriptions, price lists, special agreements and online advertisements to the extent that this is reasonable for the customer.